Rates and Quote


My rates are flexible and vary according the linguistic combination, delivery turnaround and level of specialization required to get the job done.



  • Translation/localization: the fare is calculated on the original text word count. For small orders no minimum charge is applied.
  • Editing/proofreading: the fare is calculated on the hours of work that the review has required.
  • Transcreation/copywriting: the fare is calculated on the hours of work that the job has required.


If you are interested in one of the translation services I offer, please send an e-mail to translations@valeriamonti.it with the following information:

  1. contact details (first and last name/company, telephone number, country),
  2. service and linguistic combination required,
  3. word count,
  4. type of text,
  5. delivery date.

If at all possible, please attach the file or a sample of it: in few hours I’ll get back to you with a precise and professional quotation.